Descriptions [(Time Enough for Love)] [Author: Robert A. Heinlein] published on (November, 1994) gratuitement
Time Enough for Love The capstone and crowning achievement of Heinlein's famous Future History, "Time Enough For Love" follows Lazarus Long through a vast and magnificent timescape of centuries and worlds. Heinlein's longest and most ambitious work, it is the story of a man so in love with Life that he refused to stop living it; and so in love with Time that he became his own ancestor. Full description
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Time Enough for Love The capstone and crowning achievement of Heinlein's famous Future History, "Time Enough For Love" follows Lazarus Long through a vast and magnificent timescape of centuries and worlds. Heinlein's longest and most ambitious work, it is the story of a man so in love with Life that he refused to stop living it; and so in love with Time that he became his own ancestor. Full description
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